Department of Health on transition

October 22, 2013, the date of effectivity of Department of Health Rationalization Plan, is a date to remember for the opts-to-retire, matched personnel and CTIs in the DOH. Opting to retire is both on voluntary and compulsory bases. Voluntary because the decision to retire from the service is optional. Compulsory because the amount of separation benefits had made it compelling for personnel to take the opportunity, which can be availed only once in a lifetime.
The matched personnel are lucky to be matched to the rationalized positions approved by the DBM. But unlucky enough to perspire more on the duties left by those who opted  to retire during the transition. On their part, CTIs are very loyal to stay in the service despite the abolition of their respective positions in the Rationalization Plan.
Congratulations to all opts-to-retire, matched personnel and CTIs of DOH.

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